Saturday 31 January 2009

3 weeks In..

I love it! When people ask how i'm finding the course, i simply say: tiring but rewarding.

Tiring is an understatement. Me and my colleagues are finding coming home after lectures and crashing out, energy is at an all time low..who knew that sitting down for 5 hours a day could be so exhausting?

My personal life has been a mess..yet its a nice feeling to know this area is working. I've made some amazing friends, 2 from healthcare related backgrounds- have been seconded and still recieve their wages, jealous, moi?!

Living by myself has its ups and downs, ups include indepedance, eating when i want..doing the house the way i want, downs- feeling lonely now and again!

On thursday i learnt how to take manual blood pressure- wow what a feat. It was hard to say the least! I hope I never have to do it again and the electronic ones are used on placement! It was hard to listen in a class full of excited student nurses, but i took atleast one reading! I did find out however I have low bp, 105/60...beautiful! lol

One thing is worrying me- the patients, my placement is in a few weeks. My main worry is how i'll deal with mentally ill patients, or the older ones. I'm scared of being patronising..or trying to be so un-patronising that i have bad communication with my patients..

thats all for now, i promise i'll update more often!


  1. From being in hospital:
    Don't say you'll do something and then not, it's a sure fire way to make the patients hate you.
    Other than that, you'll be awesome!!
    I miss you!

  2. 5 hours a day? Savour it, cause when you're working 55 hours in a week, it'll be nothing in comparison! Damn, does that make your feet hurt.. :(

  3. consider how you want people to talk to you with your mental illness that you spoke openly about on TSR recently and then just treat others how you like to be spoken to. Mentally ill people and elderly people are just that. People.

    Blood pressure - do not rely on automatic monitors. If a reading seems abnormal then a manual measurement must be done. Same if the automatic one is faulty as you can't not do obs as you are waiting for an engineer to come and mend the automatic one. All nurses must be fully competent in taking manual BP as a core skill so keep up the practise.
